You’ll Never Walk Alone

Mauiks You'll never walk alone 4 Keys 3 Immediate actions.

In an emergency or during a real crisis you have 4 keys that’ll increase your chances of survival. The first issue that’ll give you an obvious advantage is the training and knowledge you have about survival techniques, first aid, natural disaster management and social breakdown crisis. This knowledge is the fine line between those who are prepared to fight for survival and others who can only wait for governmental, military or international rescue organizations that’ll take days to arrive.

The other 3 keys that you should prioritize are to keep your body temperature at an acceptable level, depending on the season and the place on the planet where you live. Ability to set up a shelter and be safe from inclement weather, wild animals, social chaos or any other factor that puts your life or that of your family at risk. In addition, you must always have drinking water for at least 72 hours for each of your dependents. Mauiks You’ll Never Walk Alone.

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Mauiks You’ll Never Walk Alone

The reaction to the crisis is the turning point between comfort and the harsh reality that separates us from the chaos of the first minutes after the shock.

4 keys that you must resolve as soon as possible

Mauiks knifes. You'll never walk alone

TRAINING & knowledge

Knowing how to overcome fear and not fall prey to terror is something that must be trained and that only with consolidated knowledge we can make routine and therefore spontaneous. Mauiks You’ll never walk alone.

With Mauiks you will never walk alone. Fire is a vital pillar for preparationists.

Keep Warm

Usually the crisis will occur without warning, often in the middle of the night. Keeping yourself warm and dry will allow you to think and keep a clear mind to react coherently. Mauiks You’ll never walk alone.

Shelter in mountain area. With Mauiks you will never walk alone.

the shelter

The shelter or bivouac is the temporary solution that you must find or set up to spend the night when access to your home is no longer possible. It should protect you from the weather, keep you dry and give you the opportunity to rest to face difficult days.

In survival situations, drinking water becomes a fundamental good to preserve. With Mauiks you will never walk alone.

Drinking Water

We should all have at least 72 hours’ worth of drinking water in storage; during a crisis, water becomes an absolute priority. At this point we can resort to bottled water, self-stored water, rainwater, or natural sources. But water should never be a source of health problems.

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